MyProxy is an application that helps you connect to your Domain provider, setup A and CNAME records, create and serve SSL certificates, and run an unlimited number of applications on your subdomains. I implemented authentication middleware for cookies and access tokens, increased the performance of application by implementing key-value in-memory caching, and validated support for AWS and Google Cloud Service. FreeDomains is a website that allows users to host their own web apps quickly powered by MyProxy.
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C0D3.com is a website that serves as a open-source platform to teach people how to become great Software Engineers. I am currently on a team of engineers that is rebuilding the new platform. My latest contribution is building the landing page.
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Notes App
A self hosted notes application built on React and Node.JS with git history tracking
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React Kanban Board
A Kanban Board built in React with Drag and Drop capabilities. It is built with Create-React-App and React-Beautify-Dnd.
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Vue Rest of World API
This is my solution to FrontEnd Mentor's Rest of World API challenge. I implemented the solution using CSS variables, Vue.JS and TailwindCSS
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React Map
An application that lets users entered a title, description and image URL into a form style website. The owner of the posts can update or delete their own post. Users can only view posts in their own city. Built on MERN stack.
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A minesweeper game built in Vanilla.JS
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Tab Tracker
This is built following Cody Seibert's Tutorial on building a Full Stack Web Application. This application allows users to store and edit their songs and guitar tabs. This is my first exposure to Full Stack Development and the project that made me want to change careers.
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